Delhi community gathers to pray for healing

The Delhi Civic Center was packed Monday night as residents and religious and civic leaders from all walks of life gathered in prayer to end youth violence in the wake of last week’s shooting death. 

“We feel this shows the commitment we have to save our town and our youth,” Alderman Larry Rancher said. “It’s in the name of our parish. We are a rich land and we should be able to use our resources to solve these problems.”

The event was planned by Pastor JT Strong who welcomed guests to the program along with Delhi Mayor Jesse Washington and Richland Parish Sheriff Gary Gilley.

“Many of us are heartbroken over the senseless violence in our community that is claiming innocent lives. It is even worse when young lives with bright futures are being cut short,” Strong said. “We plan to have a special time of worship and prayer to ask God to change hearts and lives in our area, and to heal our land.”

Pastor Jeff Coleman then gave a reading of Psalm 46 and Pastor Jerry Bailey read Psalm 133:1-3 and Chronicles 7:13-14.

Pastor Shane Lester led the group in a prayer for peace and against violence in the town. Pastor Johnny Hedgemon led a prayer for those affected by violence in Delhi.

Bro. Earl Wilson led a prayer for the young people in the community and Bro. Whit Bass led a prayer for parents and mentors.

Brother Garan Lively lead a prayer for the community leaders and law enforcement and Pastor Stephen Rainwater led a prayer for revival and turning back to God.

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