Holly Ridge Happenings

The Greatest
The highest aim in life -- To know God and do his Will!
The most enriching good habit -- Complimenting others
The most destructive bad habit -- Worry
The greatest joy -- Giving
The greatest loss -- Loss of self-respect
The most satisfying work -- Helping others
The ugliest personality trait -- Selfishness
The most endangered species -- Dedicated leaders
Our greatest natural resource -- Our youth
The ugliest look -- A frown
The greatest shot in the arm -- Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome -- Fear
The most effective sleeping pill -- Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease -- Excuses
The surest way to limit God -- Unbelief
The most powerful forces in life -- Love
The most dangerous piranha -- A gossiper
The Greatest Life-Giver -- The Creator
The worlds most incredible computer -- The brain
The worst thing to be without --  Hope
The deadliest weapon -- The tongue
The most power-filled words -- I can
The greatest asset -- Faith
The most worthless emotion -- Self pity
The most beautiful attire -- A smile!
The prized possession -- Self esteem
The most powerful channel of communication -- Prayer
The most contagious spirit -- Enthusiasm
The most urgent need -- Salvation
The greatest attribute of Jesus -- Obedience


We had a great day on Saturday at voting day. Always get to see so many that we don’t see every often, so many hugs. Ha! It was a good turn out and lots of laughs. Yes we did. 

Dan and Carol Little from West Monroe drove over for a good visit. Of course, Dan’s main reason was his favorite strawberry ice cream, cheddar cheese and Bryan Bologna. 

We welcome yet another Cheek girl back to Rayville, Davie and Cheryl (Cheek) Cardova from Dallas have bought a home in Rayville. There are two more, Connie and Sandra, but we probably won’t get them back. Hey, they don’t know what they are missing. 

Brenda Goodman and her neice, Stacey motored over to Shreveport on Sunday to visit with Geraldene Jones Watson. Had a good visit. I enjoyed ole Ken and Merle Rabon visiting on voting and I shared some gumbo and rice and potato pie with them. Many years ago, Merle, Sue Fortenberry and I spent every Sunday together at my house and their house. 

That, of course, is what people say “was the good old days.” But other than getting older, I think everyday is good! 

Our love and prayers go out to the family, friends and loved ones of Mrs. Dovie McManus Hales who took her Heavenly flight last week. Yes, she spent her November 21st birthday with her Heavenly Father and loved ones who had gone before her. May God bless each one who was touched by this sweet lady’s life.

Happy Birthday this week to: Brenda Whittington, Brenda Lockard on November 21st, Vicki Pylant, Cole Jones, Lorie Grisby, Sylvia Hardy, Joseph Charrier on November 22nd, Stephanie Stephens, Dustin Sanders on November 23rd, Katie Pelly, Mildred Carroll and Fanny Wynn on November 24th, Diane Nettles, Mrs. Dorothy Inzer, Lauren Albritton on November 25th, Angie Hewitt, Dalton Bell and Heather Mosley on November 26th, Wendy Walters on November 27th. May these celebrate many more Hapy ones!

Anniversary wishes to: John and Bobbie Stell and Joe and Dorathy Lively on November 23rd. I wish for these many more hapy years together!

Have a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving to all. 

Remember: The remedy for human problems is God’s amazing grace.

Richland Today

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Rayville, LA 71269
Phone: (318) 728-6467
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