Holly Ridge Happenings

Trust in His timing. Rely on His promises. Wait for His answers. Believe in His miracles. Rejoice in His goodness. Relax in His presence.

Congratulations to Julia Letlow on her win for Congress. We are very proud of her and can count on her performance in Washington for the rights of the people. May God bless her in the task ahead of her. Congratulations also to Steve Craig in his win in his police jury election. God be with him in the years ahead.

If you fail, never give up  because F.A.I.L. means First Attempt In Learning. End is not the end, in fact E.N.D. means Effort Never Dies. If you get No as an answer, remember N.O. means Next Opportunity.

We had a very pleasant day as we worked the polls on Saturday. We started off, of course, with Diane Cobb bringing us hot sweet potato muffins. Yum, yum. We ate lunch and we chowed down on seafood gumbo, green salad, garlic bread, angel food cake (for us angels, Ha) with strawberries and whipped cream. Don’t know what it will be next time. It may be bologna sandwiches, but, hey, they are good too.

Tanja Thompson, Mara and Kyle  Brosow, Juri, Maria and Aubrea Thompson went to Genusa’s for Tanja’s birthday.

One of the Herron girls and her daughter and family from Tallulah were here on Saturday for ice cream after having been over to the cemetery. Was good to see them. 

When Christ returns, don’t you want to be one of those people who says, “Oh, I was just talking to you a minute ago and here you are.”

Happy birthday this week to Heather Stowe, Jessica Binevedis, Chelsea Stephens on March 25th, Gary Cater, Jimmy Pelley, Dennis Odom, Kim Mann on March 26th, Brian Stanley on March 27th, Corey Dickson on March 29th, Jessica Patrick on March 30th, April Sarha on March 31st. May each of these celebrate many more.

Anniversary wishes to Jamie and Deline Rawls (16) years on March 26th, Todd and Wedi McManus and Jimmy Dale and Bonnie Parker on March 28th, and Leo and Carolyn Lyle (37) years, Micheal and Jennifer Franks (31) years on March 31st. I wish for these many more happy years together.

Have a great week.

Remember:  Give GOD the right to direct your life, and as you trust HIM along the way you’ll find HE pulled it off perfectly.

Richland Today

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