Holly Ridge Happenings

My daughter, son-in law and grandson are having a house built on their property near where we live. 

Since they both work and I’m retired, I regularly go the short distance to check on progress and take “in progress process” photos. 

The builders regularly throw out really nice pieces of wood that have nails in them that they can’t take time to reclaim for use. Today, I picked up one of these out of the discard pile and brought it back to our shop. As I was removing the eight nails from the board, I remember my father-in-law saying “it takes a good carpenter to use a bent nail.”

It occurred to me that Jesus, the Master Carpenter, does that with us. We were all bent nails at one time, but He straightened us and made us useful for His work. You have to get pretty rough with some of these bent nails in order to get them out of their useless state. Christ has to get pretty rough with us sometimes, to get us “unstuck” from the messes we get ourselves into. But He can straighten us out and use us in some of His marvelous works. After all, He is the Master Carpenter.

Thursday Jerry Reed and his grandson from Pascagula were by the store. They had been by Winnsboro to see his sister, Alice Shaw, then came to the McKnight cemetery and then were going to Monroe to visit Doug and Nellie Thompson on Holly Ridge Drive.

So surprised on Wednesday when Hilda Clack from Tallulah and Lawrence Smith from West Monroe came to us for an enjoyable visit. It was about time.

Chuch and Lisa Lofton from Star City, Arkansas, came down to the Honey Hole to by fishing bait and cheese and decided to come on over to the cemetery. I hardly knew him. Well, I’ll say it was a surprise that I was not expecting. Times change everyone I suppose.

Ouch! Don’t forget to spring forward on Saturday night for time change. Yes, its that time again.

Just think, the tongue has no bones but is strong enough to break a heart. So be careful with your words.

Happy Birthday wishes this week to my sister-in-law Nellie Thompson and Cole Nix on March 11th, Landon and Laura Stewart (twins) on March 12th, Justin and Jared Adams, Leann Greham on March 13th, Nic Tannehill, Jeanett Chowns on March 15th, my sister-in-law Tanja Thompson, Lauran Thompson on March 16th, Kelli Rayan,  Peyton Thompson, Madeline Farmer on March 17th. May these celebrate many more happy ones!

Anniversary wishes to A.C. and Angie Hewitt (23) years Thomas and Sherry Hamm on March 15th. May they have many more happy years to share with each other.

Have a great week!

Remember: For the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Richland Today

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