Wreaths Across America honors veterans Saturday

The local National Remembrance Day Ceremony will be held on at 11 a.m. Dec. 16 on the grounds of the Northeast Louisiana Veterans’ Cemetery, just south of Rayville on Highway 425.

Each December, Americans from all walks of life join together in thanks on National Wreaths Across America Day to Remember, Honor and Teach.

In 2016, 1.2 million wreaths were placed on the headstones of veterans at more than 1,230 cemeteries around the country, including the Northeast Louisiana Veterans’ Cemetery, in honor of the service and sacrifices made for our freedoms, with each name said aloud. Today, the nonprofit announced that the national theme for 2017 is “I’m an American. Yes, I am!”

The inspiration for the 2017 theme is a song by Rick Charette, a beloved children’s singer/songwriter. When the words of his song “I’m an American” were sung by a group of enthusiastic school children from Kennebunk Elementary School in Kennebunk, Maine, during a stop on the escort of wreaths to Arlington last December, it took on new meaning for the organization.

“Rick Charette’s ‘I’m an American’ reflects through the eyes of children how uncomplicated it can be to both love our country and see the strength we have in standing together, despite our differences,” said local WAA organizers at the Rhymes Memorial library in Rayville. “The Northeast Louisiana Veterans’ Cemetery is eager to once again participate in this year’s National Wreaths Across America Day to honor the sacrifices our veterans have made to guarantee each of us the right to live in a country where we can accept our differences and unite in our shared love of our nation.”

Charette wrote “I’m an American” in 2002 to help kids appreciate the sacrifices women and men have made in protecting the American freedoms that we all enjoy. The inspiration for the song came from his own personal feelings on what it means to be American.

“When we come together to place wreaths, there are people from the left and the right, it doesn’t matter your faith, your color or your politics. We are there as Americans,” recently stated Karen Worcester, national coordinator for WAA. “Our mission welcomes anyone to join us in remembering those who gave their lives for our freedom, including our freedom to be different from one another. And now, more than ever, we want to help people find common ground with one another by supporting our military and their families, Remembering the fallen, Honoring those who serve and Teaching the next generation the true meaning of freedom.”

National Wreaths Across America Day - Dec. 16,  - is a free event and open to everyone and will be held locally at the Northeast Louisiana Veterans’ Cemetery south of Rayville. 

For more information contact Rhymes Memorial library at 728-4127.

Wreaths Across America is a nonprofit organization founded to continue and expand the annual wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery begun by Maine businessman Morrill Worcester in 1992. The organization’s mission - Remember, Honor, Teach - is carried out in part each year by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies in December at Arlington, as well as at hundreds of veterans’ cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and beyond.

Richland Today

603 Louisa Street
Rayville, LA 71269
Phone: (318) 728-6467
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